Re: Scripture (was: Unlikely Existence of God)

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Posted by Jason on January 02, 1997 at 23:57:49:

In Reply to: Re: Scripture (was: Unlikely Existence of God) posted by Lynn on January 02, 1997 at 12:45:26:

: The Jews were NOT practicing genocide. People throw that word around too loosely. These commands pertained to people living within the Israelite community who were guilty of trying to entice others to worship false gods...

If you're referring to just Deut. 13:6-9, then I agree with you. Deut. 13:6-9 can
perhaps be interpreted as in-group religious persecution (these are actions still
aren't justifiable). However, if you're referring to the OT as a whole, then I
disagree. Genocide is routinely practiced by the Israelites against neighbouring
cultures. Examples of this can be found in Deut. 20:16-18 and 1 Samuel 15.

I hasten to add that I'm not sure if all the genocide and atrocities depicted in the
OT actually happened. In my opinion, some of these things probably did happen but
the Israelites may have exaggerated some of their stories (for an example, the OT
often describes gigantic battles with more combatants than the largest battles of
WWII). My point is that if we assume these atrocities did happen, they are morally

Just curious about something. If you subscribe to "Skeptic," what's your opinion
of John Hartung's essay "Love Thy Neigbor" in the vol.3, no.4, 1995 issue?
- Jason

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